

  1. Akros Investments, Inc. started in 2002 by two investment veterans with over 65 years of combined business, investment and regulatory history to help provide true independent and “conflict of interest” free advice. From day one we decided not to manage assets and have not.
  2. To show our emphasis on helping fiduciaries of all types, we started doing business as Akros Fiduciary Management.
  3. Since we don’t manage money, we have worked with Registered Investment Advisors, Financial Advisers, Banks, Credit Unions and other financial institutions to help increase their sales and profits while decreasing their compliance risks and streamlining operations.
  4. Working with Board of Directors and trustees as well as plan sponsors are a true passion because these fiduciaries often hold full-time regular jobs and do not fully understand being a fiduciary. We love to educate and give them tools to reduce their fiduciary risk and take control of their plans.

Akros Fiduciary Management, a Registered Investment Advisor (a fiduciary), which specializes in working with Fiduciaries of all kinds.   We help investment professionals (RIAs and Brokers) increase their sales and profit margins while reducing their compliance issues in an ever-increasing and complex regulatory environment especially in the retirement plan area. We help Boards and plan sponsors reduce their fiduciary risk while streamlining their governance and compliance issues.

Why Akros?

We are investment people and fiduciaries first and foremost.  For nearly our entire careers we have been fiduciaries – not by a designation, but on a daily basis of dealing with and answering to regulators.

To help avoid conflicts or to be seen as “pushing product”, we also made the choice not to manage money or be a financial advisor, broker or wealth consultant.

Akros strives to have long-term relationships with a select group of businesses and individual clients to inspire them to realize that their objectives and dreams. Our mission is to give our clients the control and the confidence to make informed decisions to help increase their profits and reduce their financial risk by delivering unbiased and independent solutions.

Akros is a firm built around putting the Client’s interests first. In today’s environment with all the changes and conflicts of interest that exist, Akros decided to be a firm that would avoid these issues and bring the highest of care by being a Fiduciary.

Get The Independent Advice You Deserve.

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